
LCA Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

Our company evaluates the environmental performance of your products and services “from cradle to grave”

We operate according to the ILCD approach endorsed by the EU Commission, that further specifies the provisions of ISO 14040 and ISO 14044.

LCA is useful to support business strategy and R&D, as input to product or process design and for labeling or product declarations.

The life cycle assessment is very important in the frame of the Green Economy and of the economical activities intended for sustainability.

LCA provides relevant information to be included  in your green business model or to abide to EU regulations and Directives.

LCA studies are used to meet the eco-labelling criteria under the EU Ecolabel Regulation (EC 66/2010) and to properly capture indirect effects under the EMAS III Regulation (EC 1221/2009).

LCA is the basis for the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) an independently verified and registered document that gives transparent and comparable information about the environmental impact of products.

The relevant standard for Environmental Product Declarations is ISO 14025, where they are referred to as “type III environmental declarations”. A type III environmental declaration is created and registered in the framework of a programme, such as the International EPD® System.

The Environmental Product Declaration is useful for sundry applications: in business-to-business and business-to-consumer communication, including green public procurement (GPP) and building assessment schemes.