The TRANSDAIRY project “TRANSborder Key Enabling Technologies and Living Labs for the DAIRY value chain” is financed by the European Union through the ENI CBC MED program.

The Dairy Value Chain (DVC) confronts joint challenges at Mediterranean cross-border level: the growing market demand for high quality and safety and the industrialization of farming and globalization. In this context, cross border cooperation is needed to create the critical mass of research results marketable by spin-offs to cover the entire DVC.
TRANSDAIRY aims to enhance the Technological Transfer among research, industry and SMEs in the fields of Key Enabling Technologies (KET’s) applied to the Dairy Value Chain, by the creation of Living Labs, the increase of institutional capacities, and the development of market intelligence for sustainability by creation of Cross Border Spin-offs in Italy, Greece, Lebanon and Tunisia.
The project in a nutshell
3.9 M€ TotalProject’s Budget
3.5 M€ EU contribution
10% Project co-financing by the partnership
The project answers to the Thematic objective: A.2 Support to education, research, technological development and innovation and to the Priority: A.2.1 Technological transfer and commercialization of research results
Countries involved are: Italy, Tunisia, Lebanon, Greece
Link to the Open Collaborative Platform
Who will benefit?
- Government Research Agencies and Universities
- The Dairy Value chain actors: farmers, transporters, distributors, etc.
- Women and younger people working in the sector, seeking new opportunities and jobs
- Research entities in ICT and Bio/Nano Technologies
- Dairy products consumers
- 8 Living Labs set up: 4 in Biotechnologies and 4 in ICT
- Open Collaborative Platform with 8 sections (one for each living lab) launched for pre-competitive analysis of products and services. It includes Forums and Wikis as open collaborative spaces for the target beneficiaries of the project.
- 8 Training courses for Human Resources of Public Authorities and Technology Transfer Offices
- 24 Formative sessions on Entrepreneurship KET’s & SME’s
- 16 vouchers for cross border spin-off establishment
- 12 vouchers for co-development of patents
- 28 vouchers for co-publication on KET’s for the DVC
- 35 Vouchers for demonstration of research results
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with the support of the ENI CBC MED Programme of the European Union. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and neither the European Commission nor the ENI CBC MED Programme can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.